λα- + βορά
Transliteration (Word)
English translation (word)
Transliteration (Etymon)
English translation (etymon)
Λάβραξ· παρὰ τὸ βορά, καὶ τὸ ΛΑ ἐπιτατικὸν μόριον λάβραξ παρώνυμος, ὡς λίθος λίθαξ
Translation (En)
Labrax (“basse”) : from bora ("food") with the intensive prefix la- comes the derivative labrax, in the same way that lithax (stony) derives from lithos (stone)
Etym. Gudianum Λ 359.42 (λάβορος καὶ συγκοπῇ λάβρος καὶ λάβραξ παρωνύμως) ; Etym. Magnum, Kallierges 354 (Λάβραξ: Ἐκ τοῦ βορὰ γίνεται λάβορος· καὶ συγκοπῇ, λάβρος. καὶ λάβραξ παρώνυμον, ὡς λίθος λίθαξ); Scholia in Oppianum 2.130.1 (Λάβρακα· λίαν βορόν· λάβραξ ὁ λίαν βορὸς, ἢ λαίμαργος, λαβροσύνη δὲ παρὰ τὸ λίαν βιβρώσκειν); Eustathius, Comm. Il. 3.773.23 (ὁ λάβραξ διὰ τὸ λίαν βορόν παρὰ τὸ λα ἐπιτατικὸν μόριον, καὶ τὸ βορά)
R. Strömberg, Studien zur Etymologie und Bildung der griechischen Fischnamen, 1943 : 34. On the ghost suffix la-, see C. Le Feuvre, "Λακαταπυγων (Aristophane, Ach. 664), hom. αἰψηρός, λαιψηρός et le prétendu préfixe intensif λα-", Revue de Philologie, 2007/2, 81, pp. 323-342
This etymology apparently assumes an intermediate stage in the form *λαβορά, formed from βορά, with the addition of the (supposed) prefix la-, meaning "great food". The fall of the o is not commented on, but such vocalic shortening was regarded a common accident by ancient grammarians. Secondly, λάβραξ would have been derived from *λαβ(ο)ρά. The parallel with lithos/lithax suggests that adjectives in -αξ derive from nouns, which is why the implied intermediate step is probably not *laboros (abundance of food). But a parallel definition in Etym. Magnum explicitly refers to an intermediate form *λάβορος. From a semiological point of view, the etymology is not very satisfactory, even if we follow it without difficulty: the adjective is built on the meaning of the verb (βοράω: to eat) and not of the noun (βορά: food).